Our wildfire risk reduction winter project in Schroeder Creek is nearing completion and we are preparing our return to Branch 7 for the spring to finish the remainder of the blocks.
Here is an outlook where the action will be, with approximate timeline.
We will be starting at 0.3km on Branch 7 near the highway next week and have hired Sean Brenton to remove snow on the first leg with a small cat. Branch 7 will be closed to traffic at the highway for approx. 2 weeks while harvesting is in progress. All rec trails will remain open. We will progress into the other units up-slope as the snow recedes. There will be a clean-up phase after harvesting is done. We anticipate completion of the project by the end of April / beginning of May excepting the pile burning, which will likely have to wait into the fall. We will update the timelines here as well as on Facebook.