Recommendations from our new 2020 KDCFS Landscape Level Wildfire Plan encompass a 5 year planning horizon. This information provided the basis for a 3 year funding request to the FLNRORD/BCWS for Wildfire Risk Reduction (WRR) funding. 2020 marks the first year of this program, securing $280,000 risk reduction work towards our CP43 Kaslo – Shutty Wildfire Corridor – a small 10,000m3 cutting permit prescribed to reduce wildfire risk adjacent to our communities. The WRR grant money is being administered by FLNRORD who have decided to go through an open tendering process via BCBid. Community Forests (CFs) collectively have voiced their concerns to FLNRORD to keep the work local, arguing that by principle of establishment, CFs operate under special responsibilities to manage and promote the social, economic health and physical well-being of the rural communities they surround. We have been awarded the Prescription and Supervision component of the planned work and are awaiting the selection of our fuel reduction contractor.

Hatched areas identify proposed forest fuel treatment permits between 2020 to 2022. The KDCFS license boundary is drawn in deep purple and for the main extent transposes with the Kaslo Volunteer Fire Department fire service boundary (white dash). Water sources active during fire season are marked by blue squares identifying an estimated liter/minute flow rate. Landscape colour shading models fire spread risk based on slope and aspect parameters.