Harvesting operations in CPs 39 and 40 are now complete. Access restrictions are lifted.
Both cutting permits were sold ‘on the stump’ to Kalesnikoff/Stella Jones and harvested by Iron Peaks from New Denver and Sunshine Logging from Kaslo. The roughly 20,000 cubic meters of logs supplied Kalesnikoff Lumber, Stella Jones, Porcupine Wood Products sawmills. In-block harvest trails have been semi rehabilitated. The daylighting of the Wagon Road from Hwy 31A to the cutblock along the Wagon Road is complete as well.
A KORST crew of volunteers has slashed out the Wagon Road stretch from the CP39 block to the 7 Mile FSR junction and road upgrades are under way between November 1 and 14.
Site preparations for 2020 planting are complete in CP39. We have hired Shane McKinnon to complete this work.
CP 39 Block 1
CP40 BLK 3 landing
Three new spurs have been built to access 3 blocks between 2.5 km and 9 km along the 7 Mile FSR.
Spur to Block 3

For further information and to view current photos about these cutting permits please view our Forest Operations Section.