Wardner Trails re-opened
Wardner and East Fire Access trails are now open to the public. Logging equipment has completed planned work and storm salvage and has left the wildfire corridor. The recent storm created widespread damage in Kaslo and Area D and unfortunately damaged some parts of our retained canopy layer. On closer inspection, the majority of the downed trees’ were not wind firm as their root wads were heavily compromised by root rot. You can identify this by white and resinous mycelium (fungal matter) on the roots and lack of peripheral and secondary root systems. All log decks are now hauled. Final wildfire risk reduction cleanup of our work areas is scheduled for the summer/fall and will have only minor impacts to trail use. Thank you all for working with us to get this landscape fire break in place.
Storm damage in Blocks 5 and 7 required salvage
The storm occurred just in time for the seasonal Douglas-fir beetle flight. Most of the windfall was salvaged, however access to some areas was restricted. This windfall will be monitored for beetle infestation and may require clean-up this fall.