Our Landscape Level Wildfire Plan is complete and 4 year recommendations are presently implemented with the support from the provincial Wildfire Risk Reduction (WRR) and FES funding streams. 2020/2021 projects adjacent to the Kaslo/Shutty and the Schroeder neighbourhoods are underway. We have applied for additional funding for 2021/2022 work mostly spanning high risk fire interface polygons between the Shutty to the Schroeder areas.
The LLWP plan was developed with funding from the Forest Enhancement Society (FES) and provides the foundation to proposed fuel treatment work within License K3C in conjunction with the Provincial Strategic Threat Analysis and the Kaslo and Area D Community Wildfire Protection Plan. This planning document and field data will require regular updating to maintain currency with ongoing PSTA research and fuel reduction work.
We are grateful for the participation and input from stakeholders, the community and interested individuals who aided towards the completion of this project. You can find the full report here