KDCFS – 2019-2024 draft Forest Stewardship Plan
The Kaslo and District Community Forest Society (KDCFS) is currently drafting a Forest Stewardship Plan (FSP) with 1 FDU that covers the K3C operating area.
The FSP is a landscape-level plan that identifies how the holder of the plan will be consistent with government objectives for managing and protecting the forest, wildlife, water and range values through the results, strategies and measures proposed in the plan. Once approved, the FSP will guide future forest development, including road construction, timber harvesting and silviculture activities.
It is important to note that the FSP is a management document and does not show actual locations of specific proposed cut blocks or roads. A referral including an operating plan will be sent once development begins in an area.
The draft KDCFS FSP will be available for public review and written comments from July 2, 2019 to September 2, 2019. An electronic copy of the draft FSP will be posted here for the duration of the public comment period.
The OPEN HOUSE viewing was held on July 25, 2019 from 3:30pm to 6:30pm at the Senior’s Hall in Kaslo
We presented an update to the Landscape Level Wildfire Plan and our CP43 Harvest Fuel Mitigation/Forest Health Project in the Wardner to Shutty Bench area for 2019/2020. You can view the presentation here:
July 2019 Open House Presentation1
You may view the presenter notes by hovering your mouse over the pop-up note symbol in the presentation.
In order for FSP comments to be considered prior to submission for approval they must be received on or before September 2, 2019. Written comments may be mailed, delivered in person or sent by email.
Our Harvest Consultation will be ongoing with the Community and Stakeholders throughout the project.
Go here for general reading: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/industry/forestry/managing-our-forest-resources/forest-stewardship-plans
You can view our Draft FSP document here:
KDCFS Draft FSP 2019