Dr. Lori Daniels (Tree Ring Lab) and her research team are collaborating with community forests around BC to assess the efficacy of treatments to reduce wildfire risk and hazards.
Latest News
Next Board Meeting: September 22, 2021 at 6:30pm
We invite you to join our next Board meeting on September 22, 2021 at 6:30pm.
Hemlock Looper outbreak – Keen Creek
The western hemlock looper has historically not been a catastrophic forest insect in our Kootenay Lake landscape.
Campfire Prohibitions are in Effect
Effective at noon (Pacific time) on Wednesday, June 30, 2021, Campfires, Category 2 and Category 3 open fires will be prohibited throughout the province of British Columbia.
Charity Firewood Draw 2021 and Firewood Sales
The Kaslo and District Community Forest Society is taking reservations for logging truck loads of mixed species firewood.
Hydrocarbon films or petroleum?
We recently investigated a potential petroleum spill in a small seep area at one of our skid trails. I had traveled though this saturated area with my ATV repeatedly to action a small wildfire by the lookout below. You can see the track in the picture. At the time there was no contamination visible in the …
Welcome to our new Website
Make sure you subscribe to our news updates and explore the Birdseye view of our projects. You can now sign up for a KDCFS membership on our Member Page. We hope you have an enjoyable visit !
Kaslo – Shutty Wildfire Corridor Update
Wardner Trails re-opened Wardner and East Fire Access trails are now open to the public. Logging equipment has completed planned work and storm salvage and has left the wildfire corridor. The recent storm created widespread damage in Kaslo and Area D and unfortunately damaged some parts of our retained canopy layer. On closer inspection, the …
KDCFS Forestry Crew -Training and Employment
*Application Deadline Extended to May 31st, 2021
2021 Wildfire Risk Reduction (WRR) funding released
2021 AGM April 14: Resolution Results
Thank you all for a successful meeting ! Our 2021 AGM will be a ZOOM meeting and we will be voting on 4 Resolutions (scroll down to ads) ZOOM AGM Housekeeping: Advance AGM pre-registration is appreciated. Please email us: manager@kaslocommunityforest.org If several members zoom/call in from the same household, please use separate devices, so …
Schroeder Creek Wildfire Project
Schroeder Creek Wildfire Project CP 42 BLK 7 December 3, 2020 – March 3, 2021 Funded by FESBC Implemented by the Kaslo and District Community Forest and Timber Ridge Contracting Ltd – Kaslo Shane McKinnon on reconnaissance. Equipment: Feller Buncher, Linkbelt 3240 Excavator w/ Bucket, Thumb and Grapple; Cat 525 Grapple Skidder, D4 Hi-Drive Bulldozer; …